Quotable quotes from TED Global 2010

“Power is no longer a zero sum game”  Joseph Nye

“I’ll simplify a lot of tasks you never had to do before” Patrick Chapatte on Steve Jobs

“The slow hunch – great ideas fade into view over long periods of time” Steven Berlin Johnson

“Re-implement biology but inorganically, so we can grow technology like an organism” Neil Gershenfeld

“Businesses today are built on how you add value not on how you control limited information” Neil Gershenfeld

“Telling me your goal makes it less likely to happen because the mind mistakes the telling for the doing” Derek Sivers

“In order to do good, you have to do something.” Emily Pilloton

“My subject is food, which concerns everyone, it is health which concerns everyone, it is soil which concerns everyone, although they may not know it” Lady Eve Balfour, 1946 quoted by Adrian Dolby

“Personal debt has grown massively because people buy things they don’t want, to create impressions that don’t last on people they don’t care about.” Tim Jackson

“Don’t let life de-genius you.” Buckminster Fuller

“A teacher that can be replaced by a machine, should be!” Arthur C Clarke quoted by Sugata Mitra

“The average cat in Europe has a larger carbon footprint than the average African” Jason Clay

“You cannot wake up a person who is pretending to sleep” Jason Clay

“Images with straight lines in them create a sense of fear in the brain” Alex Kelleher

“Schizophonia – a dislocation between what you see and what you hear” Julian Treasure

“Extracting ice for analysis from Antarctica – each cylinder is a parfait of time” Lee Hotz

“Have a cup of coffee, act fierce and keep on dancing” Andrea Lucard

“If you meet the expectations of women, you exceed the expectations of men” Marti Baletta

4 responses to “Quotable quotes from TED Global 2010

  1. Pingback: TEDGlobal 2010 Meta-recap, all you need to know ;-) | Sylvain Zimmer

  2. Pingback: TEDGlobal 2010 Meta-recap, all you need to know ;-) « mick's leadership blog

  3. Pingback: Earthscan blog | Tim Jackson impresses at TED Global

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